over to you


Zig said...

I shall live by this :)

thank you

Rimshot said...

As soon as I get some puma genes spliced into me, I, too, shall live by this.

Vicus Scurra said...

OK, I've caught up with your new home, and read all of the posts. You seem to be getting on OK without me.
Carry on.

Mel said...

Ummmm..can we amend that to be "are you a llama?", please?


....just askin'....

Anonymous said...

Puma? Huh? Oh, never mind- just pass me a bacon butty.

Spadoman said...

Funny, I don't see anything here about the 6 second rule. Maybe you don't have that across the pond. We have it here. Then again, maybe pumas can't count very well. As for bacon, well that's a no brainer, I always eat it.


english inukshuk said...

man I did see something about the six second thing on MythBusters once. . .

dinah exactly. . . (re the puma, huh); exactly. . .(re the bacon butty)!

Mel if I had photoshoppy skills, I'd add in a llamamamam somewhere


Vicus Carry On what? Camping. . . Matron. . . the mind boggles

shot be careful, you'll end up with fur where you don't want it

Zig my pleasure XXX

Mel said...


I'll just pretend.
I'm good at it.

(show me the chalk....LOL I'll fix it!)

Anonymous said...

Eat it wins by 4 to 2. That's ok then.

english inukshuk said...

mig gets to eat it and Mel get sot play with some chalk

