up in the air

I love photography, you know that already I really love aerial photography - it reveals things that sometimes pass us by at ground level. . . I love the shapes that are revealed what could be better than a perfect circle? how about a crop circle heart! now, what could be better than that? how about an orchard heart! and what about an amazing maze. . .. . .or a blue field? (it's linseed, apparently)
. . .or a Welsh pit pony (complete with hoof prints!) and, however clever those are, there is something very satisfying about a simple harvest. . .(there is a new exhibition, currently in Bath, put on by the Royal Geographical Society, Britain From The Air - I bet that's a good way to spend an hour or two) oh, one more thing. . .
. . .who says that country folks get all the fun?


Mel said...

Talk about fascinating shots--some made my heart smile.
Gives me wonder for the people behind the creations....they're well and truly wonderful.

In a heartbeat-I'd be at the exhibit! :-)

Mel said...

And harvest--is amazing any way you look at it.
I love harvest time.....

Rimshot said...

I feel that I must share my thoughts on the dubiousness of that last image (lovely as it is), but it reeks of Photoshop.

So, my question to you, does the authenticity of the image make it any less appealing to you (it does to me) :(

english inukshuk said...

it's not photoshopped, oh dubious friend - it's the Liverpool Valentine Fair

heart shaped and full of lerve. . .

. . .so, now tell me, does the fact it's authentic make it appealing, or not? or do you prefer the photos of man messing with nature for his own artistic purposes (heart shaped orchards being an example of that!)? (!)


Rimshot said...

I'm still claiming that the photo was digitally altered/enhanced for effect.

I think I prefer the pure, unadulterated artistry that nature itself provides. Which is not to say that I can't or don't appreciated impure, adulterated artistry as well.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous stuff. I love aerial photography! (Too)

english inukshuk said...

mig I'd love to go hot air ballooning one day over really interesting landscapes. . .

. . .mind you, I'd quite like just to wander in interesting landscapes sometimes

shot you're just one big paradox