"as shiny as a new pin"

my mother used to say that
(obviously, she was referring to ordinary dressmaker's pins,
as opposed to the fun 'n' funky coloured ones I have)

it could refer to my house right now - the last remaining teens (the ones who slept over) swept, mopped, hoovered and polished their little hearts out this morning and there was I thinking that the house was actually pretty clean and tidy after last night's efforts (I think I'm being prepped for the next party - apparently I am the only mother who will actually let her daughter have a party) (now, if I was going to tell you about what happened during the party you'd be agreeing with the other mothers - but WE ALL KNOW that "what happens at the party stays at the party")
perhaps it's a subtle hint from my daughter that I need to improve my householder standards?


Mel said...

What happens at the party, stays at the party.

I'm with ya on that one.
And I'm all about those flashy funky pins!

I'd find a use for 'em!

I do have a voo doo doll somewhere....geeze....where is that voo doo doll.....(might have a use for it....LOL)

(NOW I'll go to the naughty corner!)

Anonymous said...

I'd quite like some shiny, funky, fun safety pins but I haven't seen any of them anywhere. (and dressmakers pins just wouldn't do the job, however fun they might be)