
change, said the sun to the moon,
you cannot stay
change, says the moon to the waters,
all is flowing
change, say the fields to the grass
seed-time and harvest, chaff and grain
you must change, said the worm to the bud,
though not to a rose
petals fade that wings may rise
borne on the wind
you are changing, said death to the maiden
your wan face, to memory, to beauty
are you ready to change?
says the thought to the heart, to let her pass
all your life long
for the unknown, the unborn
in the alchemy of the world's dream?
you will change,
say the stars to the sun, says the night to the stars



Anonymous said...

*whispering just in case*
Can we talk now?

Such a lovely poem and images.
Ooh, coffee's ready *tiptoeing off*

Mel said...

Oh. Look!


(and just so ya know--pfffffft on change. *sigh* I adore the poetry--and the photos that go with. I just ain't doing so hot with the 'change' thing.... just sayin'......)

english inukshuk said...

Mel yeah, change, eh. . . sometimes it sucks

mig ooooh - coffee! that sounds good, I'm the standing behind Ms Mel in the queue

Anonymous G said...

coffee. YAY!!

change. err. ummmm...

um yeah.

coffee. YAY!!

(lovely images and words.) (really!)

Spadoman said...

I have some loose change in my pocket. Funny how it seems to grow.
The Native American Elder told me that since we follow the circle of life, it is always changing, we are always changing and things are different but the sameas the cycle of life continues.
Nice stuff!


english inukshuk said...

man that's a lovely, comforting thought


G let's hear it for coffee!! YEAY!!