one of my favourite stories when I was young. . .
. . . was Barney and Stig's: that fancy dress party! how I longed to be able to dress up and go to that. . . let alone experience all of the other adventures
as it is, today I will settle for a trip to the local refuse and recycling facility
ho hum!
but at least the sun is shining

as it is, today I will settle for a trip to the local refuse and recycling facility
ho hum!
but at least the sun is shining
I hope your day is productive,
and that the sun shines for you too
I never read stig. Don't know why because obviously it's one of those books (series?) which everyone loved.
I was a deprived parent maybe?
That reminds me of this:
ah...childhood memories!
Lack of childhood memories..... Maybe that's a good thing?
But ty.
I think we need a trip to the recycling center, too.
The Teamster's stepson is named Oliver King
Have fun at the dump, I'm awaiting a shed . . .
what are the chances, I wonder, of it arriving when it should?
As an 11- or 12-year-old I used to go and explore the abandoned chalk quarries in the North Downs. Very exciting. Never met any mini-Neanderthals, though.
Happy Friday.
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