just what I need. . . you?

what I didn't need however was to have a half drunk cup of tea on the go at the same time as I had a half drunk cup of coffee, and then - in my haste - lose sight of which was which and to top up the tea with fresh coffee. . .

. . .GAK!!

your cup, dear reader, will be a fresh one from the cupboard!


Rimshot said...

You know what might be fun? If we each had our own special cup/mug for personal use.

english inukshuk said...

do you know what, if I'd had more time. . .

. . .I was going to tell you which one would be yours

I, of course, am drinking my coffee out of my Zabar's mug


and for you? well, I have a number of favourites. . .

and one most favourite


Mel said...

I ain't picky....whatever it comes in is appreciated......as long as it's not coming in some wierded out blend of tea AND coffee.

I'm betting it woke you up FAST.
Don't worry...LOL...I won't be trying that at home, folks! ;-)

english inukshuk said...

ya know, it's the THIRD TIME I've done that recently


you'd think I'd have learnt by now, BUT NO!!!!

for you, I have a VERY SPECIAL MUG


english inukshuk said...


just sayin'

Christopher said...

I wouldn't want you to think I was fussy, when really I'm terribly grateful for any small kindness, but would it be too much to ask for a mug with a matching small plate for a piece or two of Fruit and Nut?

Spadoman said...

My friend, just the thought of sitting with you over a cup of anything drives me nuts. The pleasure would be all mine.
Do you serve what is called an Americano in the coffee shops there? That's what I drink in the morning. I order a doppio, eqaul amounts of espresso and hot water, even if it leaves a lot of room at the top, (I ask them to use their smallest size cup)
I add some 1/2&1/2, Do they have 1/2&1/2 there?
I drink tea later in the day. Green, Gunpowder or Oolong. No tea bags here, loose leaf in a tissue type bag, hand loaded.
I'm rather talkative today in case you hadn't noticed.
So, let's talk mnore about coffee. I am thinking of going into business selling freshly roasted top quality coffee beans again. I'll call it:
Spadoman"s Coffee
I have to tell Mel all about this, she likes coffee.


Mel said...


COFFEE talk! :-)

WITH a special mug no less!

I'm in heaven...... :-)

Anonymous said...

Missed Friday and coffee.
I don't think I would like 1/2 and 1/2 but I'll try anything once.