a new type of fridge magnet

in the beginning there were ransom letters. . .
(quintessential fonts from British broadsheets and red-tops)
followed swiftly by a similar set using fonts
from the kind of crappy celebrity voyeurism magazines that teen girls with nothing better to do with their time, or indeed far more constructive things to do but they'd rather be reading rubbish, read, mentioning no namesI use the font letters in my scrapbooks and notebooks so imagine how chuffed I was to find this rather gorgeous set. . .then there are iPhone "app" magnets. . .
(which I'm rather glad I've discovered,
as they will solve a number of problems this xmas!)
but actually, these are the ones I really really love. . .


Mel said...

Oh!! OH!!! :-)

I have lettery magnets in the toy cupboard that I'm now going to pull out.
Well, maybe not NOW--but you know what I mean.
Thinkin' I like the fuzzy felt ones, only cuz you talk 'em lots and I've not had the experience of play yet.

Zig said...

ooooo I love the phone app ones!

Anonymous said...

I think they're all pretty wonderful.
Aha! ow I know what to give my niece for her birthday!

english inukshuk said...

mig it's always good to find just the right present!

Zig the website they came from was based in the USA, but I'm hoping to find them closer to home - will let you know if/when I do!

Mel there's nothing like Fuzzy Felt -and it's weird how all these years down the line the various shapes are still etched into my brain
