so remember the other day? when I saw white horses pulling a white carriage with a coffin. . .

. . .well, yesterday, on a different street, I saw two black horses pulling a black carriage with a coffin
as I was sitting on the bus taking Mini-Teen to her first orthdontist appointment (that poor child has inherited her father's teeth). . .
. . .(they are so crooked that she actually gets the treatment free on the NHS) I mentioned it to her (the black horse/white horse thing); she said maybe it was the husband of the wife who had died; that happens sometimes, doesn't it? people dying of a broken heart; I hope not, I doubt it, doesn't bear thinking about really (altho having a broken heart can be a pretty dreadful thing really, drives you to do all sorts of sad stuff) (I'll stop there)
it made me think tho how precious every single day is
and for some reason made me think of this, which the white horses hadn't
on white horses let me ride away, to my world of dreams so far away
let me run to the sun
to a world my heart can understand, it's a gentle warm and wonderland
far away, stars away
where the clouds are made of candy floss as the day is born
when the stars are gone we'll race to meet the dawn
you and I can only see the grey of a sad and very lonely day
that's when I softly sigh, on white horses, snow white horses
let me ride away
let me run to the sun
to a world my heart can understand, it's a gentle warm and wonderland
far away, stars away
where the clouds are made of candy floss as the day is born
when the stars are gone we'll race to meet the dawn
you and I can only see the grey of a sad and very lonely day
that's when I softly sigh, on white horses, snow white horses
let me ride away

I know a thing or two about a broken heart. It's not always about losing a love. And yes, it does make you do sad things. I'll stop there as well.
A white carriage and a black carriage. Now, you beed to see the black horses with the white and the white horses with the black. That will even things out.
I think in certain cultures (japanese?) white is the grieving ours is black...
I'm gonna pass on the broken heart discussion. smile.
Hearts, horses and coffins.
It sounds like a title for a novel. Or a song.
I think we all know about brokeness--it's a hard place to wander through. Apparently a piece of being who we are, it forces choices--seemingly so...
In the meantime, I liked the 'white horses' diddy. I'll have to ask himself about it. He's 'of that age' where he might not remember. *laughing* Didn't remember he'd poured that cuppa coffee I stole! Sometimes it works for ya--some times notsomuch! ;-)
*huge hugs*
Can I just mention how glad I am that katherine's back amongst us?
yeahyeah I known that sounds selfish....but really--I missed her presence.
Just sayin'......
Mel oh I missed her so much! I just figured she was real busy. . .
. . .it is so lovely to have her popping in everynowandagain
mig it could be a very interesting story, couldn't it
katherine. yeah - broken hearts, eh
man I'll keep my eyes out! and it seems that everyone is good for skipping the broken heart thing, so we will
awww....thank you.
busy with all the stuff in the past few months...
but missed reading and commenting with you all.
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