someone who I secretly admire recently brought me
breakfast in bed* (*certain parts of this sentence may not be 100% truthful) (but it's a good old yarn, eh) (and if anyone says that the mushrooms look like gentleman's pieces, then they'll have their wrists severely smacked and they'll be sent to stand outside The Director's Room until further notice)

Those are mushrooms?!?!?
Can I use the "toad's tools" joke before anyone else attempts it, please?
Gentlemans' pieces of what?
*laughing at Anonymous G's laughing*
((((((((((( G ))))))))))))
I so missed her!
And katherine!
you people, honestly
I share with you a fine selection of yarn storming items, and you reduce it to this
tut tut
(oh, and Mr Scurra, please never mention toad stools again here)(or anywhere else, for that matter)(*tssk*)
Please, Miss, there's a big queue outside the Director's room...
...seriously, though, this is the apotheosis of Full English. And you can have it every morning and there's never any difference in quality. There's glory for you!
Christopher I didn't expect you to be that queue
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