would you care to join me?
hope so!


Anonymous said...

Sure thing! Soon as I get home from errands.

Mel said...

Yes, ty!

You know me....black, ty.

I love that it comes in a whitecup, btw! :-)

Vicus Scurra said...

Yes, shall I bring some biscuits?

english inukshuk said...

Vicus yes please

Mel whitecup just for you, dearheart

dinah it'll still b hot and delicious, whenever you're ready

Mel said...

*laughing* And I love that MY whitecup is in the front and all blurry-like.

No worries--after I consume a cup (or ten!) it'll get in focus!

Rimshot said...

Q: "would you care to join me?"


english inukshuk said...

shot why isn't your postcode SW15 something or other?!?!?!? I'd be pestering you for company

but, needs must, and I have your company here at least


Mel I'll be on the lookout for a non-blurry whitecup, ma'am


Spadoman said...

It would be my extreme pleasure to join you. Your words on my blog are way too kind, I'd buy if we did meet for coffee.
By the way, did you see the inukshuks on my post about the cabinette?


english inukshuk said...

great! what a wonderful crowd. . .

. . . they were/are one of the reasons I would so like to go/be there!!