(I'll be back with some words made from those letters in a little bit. . . hope you - yes, you! - have a good day until then!)


Vicus Scurra said...

Waiting with excitement.

Christopher said...

Fundamentally all's going well, thanks, especially as I've just enjoyed my daily post-lunch F & N ration.

(Today's challenge has been to include 'fundamental/ly' in all my comments. Tomorrow's word will be 'wiseacre'. Like Vicus, I await your alphabetic contribution in the expectation that 'wiseacre' can somehow be worked into my response. I'm sure you'll bear this in mind.

english inukshuk said...

Christopher I will bear that in mind

Vicus excitement? wrong little chink of cyber space

Mel said...

*laughing* As long as it ain't me he's referring to, I think we're good!

I love words of the day! I play with some of my kiddos at work and sometimes they come up with hilarious things!

And I'm liking the font!
And patiently awaiting the use!
k...'patiently' is an overstatement....
I suck at being patient, yaknow.

Not so great at being A patient either....
...just sayin'......

Spadoman said...

I don't get it.
Wiseacre eh? There's a word we actually use here on our side.
But I like the fact that it is for me as in You, yes you meaning me, (that make sense?)
Okay, I'll wait and see.


Anonymous said...

Had a good day thank you.