it smells like snowI don't know if that means we're going to get any but there is definitely that sharp almost ozone type catch in the air here in London todaythe only reason I know that is because I had to pop out for some milk (Mini-Teen finished it off last night) (I'd made chocolate chocolate chocolate cookies for the teens upon their return home from their various schools and activities and Mini-Teen has to have a huge mug of milk to dunk her cookies in) (one of the other teens had been at his twilight life-drawing class and the other other teen had been at gym training for rowing club) (a year ago I'd never have guessed that I'd have an artist and a rower in the house)it looks like snow too you know the way the sky and the clouds look just before it snows? well it looks like that - quite bright, kinda fluffy, a depth to the clouds rather than their being a solid grey mass with no definitionMini-Teen was telling me that this winter is going to be really cold she was rabbiting on about El Niño and La Niña and I have to say I wasn't really paying much attention. . . to be perfectly honest, I was just worrying about the heating bill
Yum!! Chocolate chocolate cookies! (means twice the chocolate, I'm guessin'....)
But dunking?
Seriously....dunking? DUNKING?
Ewwww....then these little floaty bits whiz around. And there's gunk in the bottom of the glass that doesn't BELONG there.
Lets go back to the snow topic.
Oh wait.....I shudder at that as well.....
We're due some tomorrow. That's following the ice.
I'll shiver now.
That's close to shuddering--but different.
Don't ask me how!
Oh! Happy day before Turkey Day!
Figures snow and ice are on the agenda when folks are planning travel, huh?
Well, that and the price of gasoline suddenly going up. :-/
With you on the gunk Mel : )
I thought the same about the snow. I love that bright scent in the wind : )
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