oops, sorry I didn't mean that!
your choice, of course. . .



Christopher said...

Goodness, is it Friday already?

Can I have Dodgy, please?

english inukshuk said...

Christopher you dear dear man you

you are quite correct! Friday again. . . if I could find a mug with this* Disney charmer on it, your name would be marked on the bottom

(*for his musical abilities, you understand!)

Vicus Scurra said...

Yes please - I have been looking out for you, eagerly awaiting my drink.

Rimshot said...

If it's a choice between the beverage and the pleasure of your company, I shall die of thirst thank you.

english inukshuk said...

shot the drink is complimentary, the choice was which dwarf would you like on the mug it's served in. . .

the pleasure of my company is a given


Vicus apologies for not stopping by with it sooner


Rimshot said...

I choose Snow White then.

Rimshot said...

P.S. the wordver was PERSTO!

What a barista/magician says when the percolator is done perking.

Mel said...

Grumpy please.

JUST sayin'....

I take no offense whatsoever to truth in advertising. *laughing*

Kinda goes with the 'sometimes I wake up grumpy' cup himself has.
Yaknow--the one that the other side says 'and sometimes I let her sleep in....'

YES there's a reason he has that cup.

Definitely Grumpy, please.