after a few days of a bitter chill

it is finally mild enough to open a window or two without danger of being numbed into non-existance and let in some fresh air: there's nothing quite like it, is there!it's by no means warm and the sun is still NOT shining (I'm kind of missing the sun, it has to be said) but spring must surely be around the corner, which makes me think of snowdrops and daffodilsand also of forsythia (my mother always asked me to clip a branch of forsythia when she sent me into the garden to pick daffodils for the dining table, so in my mind the two are inextricably linked)simple thoughts, but pleasant enough for now

I hope you have some
simple pleasures
in your day today



Mel said...

Yes, there were simple pleasures.
Taking kiddos outside and watching them sled into the field......and watching them stand, utterly astounded to discover what they believe was flat, was waist deep snow.

Oh, but their faces were priceless. :-)

english inukshuk said...

that happened to me! when I skied off piste in the Canadian rockies. . .

(mind you, I wasn't very happy about it - until a rather gorgeous ski guide person came to pull me out. . . actually, then I was probably blushing!!)

so glad you had some moments of joy in your day, dearheart


Anonymous said...

I think Spring must be hanging around somewhere. (Now where did I see those snowdrops?)
Hope you got some sunshine today.