
you know how, everynowandagain, you have those really tricky days - that turn into a couple of days, and then a few days. . . fingers crosses that they don't run into a week

it's so tiring


still! have to think of those cheering up things, eh?


(yup - you guessed it: you're one of them)(yes, you!)


Mel said...

Ohhhhhh yessssss. I know all about those days. *shudder*

Himself is having a day and a half--he can't stop thinking about food. And he's disallowed food today. BUT he can have all the Gatorade and jello he wants! (goes with those bottles of magnesium citrate well, dontchaknow!)
Yeah, well....just sayin'....

But rest assured, I have my moments. Oh BOY do I have my moments....

I just try to remember they're moments and let 'em pass.
And I make the most of what's in front of me.

'Cuse me while I now go poke fun and make a ton of puns about 'crap'. LOLOLOL

english inukshuk said...

poor Brit!! gatorade and jello!?!?!?!

but you're right, they are moments

only moments

Mel said...

I think I can safely say that this morning he won't be full of his usual crap. *laughing*

Anonymous said...

Ooh poor Brit!!! *laughing* but gently since I may have a kindred problem!
Meanwhile, yes those days. They pass but it's a pain putting up with them!