my new glasses

so, you'll be pleased to know
that I no longer look like this:
in my mind's eye
I'd like to look like this:
altho it's actually more like this:


Rimshot said...

I shan't tell you what you look like in MY mind's eye.

Mel said...

Oh pshaw....I'm sure your mind's eye is much more spot on than that critical eye.
Though there's nothing wrong with the mind's eye, mind you. That'd be closer to me than the gal in least I can hope it is! LOL

Yeah!! New glasses!!! Seriously, the world always looks more 'crisp' to me with new glassses!

Christopher said...

Complete the Dorothy Parker couplet:

Men seldom/often/always make .....
At girls who wear .....

Mel said...



(cuz I'm sure SHE knows the answer)

Happy Thursday!!!!

english inukshuk said...

Mel I think the answer rhymes with "arses"


Happy Thursday!

Christopher even with my new glasses on, I'm having trouble seeing any men. . .

Mel the gal in purple is a dude - ask Himself about Dame Edna

shot so long as I'm wearing clothes, I don't really mind

english inukshuk said...

Christopher I have a small addition to my previous comment: APART FROM YOU AND SHOT!!!!!


Rimshot said...

meh, I'm not half the man I used to be. Unless you're measuring in volume, then I've exceeded expectations.

english inukshuk said...

ah, but you are 110% friend

which is what counts

(the t-shirt that Patrick has worn for his school trip has meh printed on it)

Anonymous said...

The lovely Ms Pfieffer looks just a tiny bit as though she's been studying Mrs Overall.
Still, if you can bear to wit patiently for sixty years os so you might achieve this look.

english inukshuk said...

you know, joking aside, I'd love to look like that

to be so happy, have a good friend to sit with

a few years down the line of course!