relationship math

just suppose you are sitting in a coffee shop drinking a cup of coffee while sneaking peeks at a beautiful guy/girl sitting at the next table. . .

what do you think would influence your chance of relationship success with this person? it will certainly help if you are attractive - especially in comparison to him/her (you might say your chances increase in direct proportion to your looks-his/her looks); it will also help if you are a witty conversationalist and willing to pursue the interaction aggressively, but your chances will be drastically affected if he/she already has a girl/boyfriend (esp a large one)

put this into the equation above, where: W=witty, G=aggressive, Ay=your attractiveness, AH=his/her attractiveness, R=his/her "amount" of current relationship
all variables from 1-10, with 10 being high you do, of course, have to evaluate the results on some type of scale, like the one here:
if Ask is less than zero
you should lower your standards
if Ask is between zero and 1 you have exactly a snowball's chance in hell with him/her
if Ask is between 1 and 10 game on!
if Ask is greater than 10 consider his/her more attractive friend instead


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I follow this.

However, I'm enchanted by the idea that she might have a large girlfriend :)
In fact I'm enchanted by her altogether and I've invented her whole life story already.

(And she has a really really nice brother)
Oh dear, I've been reading too many novels recently.

Mel said...

LOL @ Mig

G-d love her! ((((((( Mig ))))))

As for the equation--frankly, I found it endearing...mostly.
Witty converstationalist is required, huh?

Well shoot. *sigh*

Rimshot said...

oh I'm doomed...DOOMED!

english inukshuk said...

see shot, I'd have had you down for attractive and a good conversationalist - and probably brave enough to chat up a stranger!

Mel and mig youse twose crack me up!


Rimshot said...

Even if I rounded up on W and G, it's the Ay that kills me.

Zig said...

that's a bugger isn't it?

english inukshuk said...

Zig yup! think I'll give up now. . .

shot but your Ay isn't bad at all. . . in fact it's quite good, I'd say!