hieroglyph 155

numbers I've got by the dozen, everyone's uncle and cousin
but I can't live without buzzin'
Pennsylvania six, five thousand
I've got a sweety I know there, someone who sets me aglow there
gives me the sweetest "hello there"
Pennsylvania six, five thousand
we don't say "how are you" and very seldom ask "what's new?"
instead we start and end each call with "baby, confidentially, I love you"
maybe it sounds a bit funny when I'm away from my honey
here's what I do with my money
Pennsylvania six, five thousand



Mel said...

Ohhhhhh....so THAT'S where they got the idea for the song.

It says Pennsylvania 65000?
How cool is that?! :-/

k....probably not--but it'd be SUPER cool if it did!

<-- tapping toes to Glen Miller's tune

Anonymous said...

Oh I've forgotten what I was going to say - Mel's a riot! A super cool one.
And how clever of you to remember the actual number!