"the" "boy" "friend"

isn't it rich? aren't we a pair? me here at last on the ground, you in mid air

send in the clowns
 isn't it bliss? don't you approve? one who keeps tearing around, one who can't move

where are the clowns? send in the clowns


just when I'd stopped opening doors, finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours

making my entrance again with my usual flair, sure of my lines .. .
 . . .

. . .no one is there

don't you love farce? my fault I fear, I thought that you'd want what I want

sorry, my dear

 but where are the clowns? quick, send in the clowns - don't bother, they're here



 isn't it rich? isn't it queer? losing my timing this late in my career
and where are the clowns? there ought to be clowns, well. . . maybe next year?

bizarrely, the youtube doesn't actually have the version I want of this,
as sung by the leggy blonde one in The Boy Friend


Z said...

Was Twiggy in A Little Night Music on stage? I don't know how it was that I never saw the film but I'm not sure I could identify any of the other songs from it. I remember Twiggy in The Boyfriend, though. She seemed to be carving out a new career as a singer/actress, but it petered out.

english inukshuk said...

I don't know, Z

my mother used to have me watch The Boyfriend whenever it was on television, that's where I know the song from

can't understand why no one has youtubed it!

Mel said...

I had no clue...but it was a touching clip from twiggy tv...which I had no clue about either. (SEE!! Still clue-less!!)
It was nice to hear/watch the tune. I didn't realize there was a "twiggy tv" deal either. *sigh* Go figure....me, uninformed. LOL. I LOVE it! ;-)

Z said...

I must have got it completely wrong, then. I thought The Boyfriend was by Sandy Wilson, set in the South of France and that Send In The Clowns was in A Little Night Music by Stephen Sondheim - but you know far more about musicals than I do and, as I say, I've never seen ALNM.

english inukshuk said...

well, I might be confused too, Z

The Boy Friend I remember was set in a small English seaside town (Portsmouth) and Twiggy steps in as the understudy to the leading lady as the theatre company try impress someone from Hollywood

it is my recollection that she sings Send In The Clowns, but I can't find any reference to it on the web (she does sing I Could Be Happy With You, apparently)

it was based on a reworking of the play, which was set in the South of France. . .

I don't really know very much about musicals - just love songs, the sort that stick in my head and go round and round until I get them out again

Mel, dearheart, I had no clue there was Twiggy TV either - the wonders of the internet, eh! X

mig bardsley said...

Twiggy was my hero for at least a year when I was quite young. Actually I still quite like her. But oddly enough, I never watched 'The Boyfriend'.

english inukshuk said...

it was one of those films, Mig, along with TSoM, which my mother always watched (and thus, so did I)

I'd recommend it, only it transpires it's not available on DVD. . . maybe it'll be shown again on tv one day



Mel said...

Well shoot. Since I'm in the position of having time on my rearend, I was going to put it on my list of 'watch this'.

Ah well.....I'll settle for another go at Phantom of the Opera.