an old song for a new day

perhaps I had a wicked childhood, perhaps I had a miserable youth
but somewhere in my wicked, miserable past, there must have been a moment of truth. . .

for here you are, standing there, loving me, whether or not you should
so somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good

 nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could
 so somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good


for here you are, standing there, loving me, whether or not you should
 so somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good


Rimshot said...

I've never seen the film...bits of it (something with a bunch of children singing on a stairway).

Mel said... could you NOT have seen the Sound of Music. That's like himself informing me he's never watched the Wizard of Oz in it's entirety and expecting me to not whip out the DVD and make him! Apparently he wasn't keen on the flying monkeys and never went back.

I, on the other hand--adored both of these growing up. *laughing* I don't need the lyrics. Don't need 'em for My Fair Lady either.
Oh gosh...that's really telling, huh? LOL

Rimshot said...

Mel, the flying monkeys were the only worthwhile part.

Rimshot said...

Now, if we're talking movie musicals, I can keep up with Camelot and West Side Story...past that, maybe Grease.