there is a real chill in the air this morning I haven't yet turned the heating on (it's not even the middle of September!) but the temperature warrants it; it made me think of autumn and harvests and hay bales and first frosts - but I chose this image because I want to linger in the warmth of summer for as long as I can


Mel said...

Ah, and I thought this morning was a bit warmer than yesterday. I didn't even use the blankie when I was patio sitting and staring at Orions' navel!

But I'm with ya on the 'thinking of autumn and harvests and hay bales'. Yesterday we went to the pond and the combines were doing the 'chomp and puke' deal. I told 'em to go home but I don't think they listened very well.

Rimshot said...

hmmm, and here that image makes me think of fall. curious

It's been heaven to sleep with the windows open Chez Moi.

Anonymous said...

I wore socks today and had the car heating on. And the fields are scattered with giant hay bales. Nice to see the summery image : )

Anonymous said...

And I really love the new layout and the mysterious books.
Now I have to find out about Spock's Lizards.
(I may have to come back and ask though)
(But I have managed to make blogger accept my wordpress id which it wouldn't at first)

Anonymous said...

Ah, now I remember.

Mel said...


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who had to pause on the Spock's Lizard thingy.

And I'm so glad for cool summer nights. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think this is a fun place to visit. And it's warm here!

english inukshuk said...

so, ok, here's the deal - I left everyone a big comment and soulddipper got a welcoming smile

and bloomin' blogger ATE it all

boo hoo