how much wood etc etc

ok, so substitute various words - for example "wood" with "teeth", "chuck" with "fill", "woodchuck" with "dentist" and "many" for "much" and you have a slice of my life

let's just take a moment to clarify the picture, shall we. . . woodchuck:
that can't be right, I hear you mutter, so let's check the business card me handed me as I left:
don't get me wrong, he's not a bad mad as such. . . perhaps I'm being a little harsh? perhaps I ought to give the guy a break? perhaps I should just have ALL MY TEETH PULLED AND JUST WEAR DENTURES??? if anyone dares ask me today if my glass is half full or half empty, I should love to be able to laugh whilst muttering "not only do I have a glass, but it has dentures in it". . .
at least if that were the case, I'd be done with the dentist and WOULDN'T HAVE TO GO BACK IN A FORTNIGHT FOR MORE WORK. . .
ok, ok - I know: I'm lucky to have my own teeth, I'm lucky to be able to go to the dentist, don't get me wrong; it's not that my jaw hurts, it's not that I've bitten not only the inside of my cheek but also my tongue, I think it's that the situation with The Teen is beginning to get to me and I don't have much spare - what's the right word? - spare capacity for hurt (mental or physical)
that's not really the right way to describe it, but my semantic recall seems to be lacking somewhat at the moment (could be all the anaesthetic the guy pumped into my head, could just be that my brain isn't working very well at the moment)
on the good side (there's always a good side, isn't there, if one looks hard enough) on the way home I purchased a very nice piece of flapjack for later on
I hope you have a treat planned that will get you thru the trickier parts of your day today


Rimshot said...

no treats planned, but one always holds out hope for the unexpected surprise

english inukshuk said...

plan a treat! plan a treat!

go on


Rimshot said...

YAY! I DID have a treat! I got to e-chat with my very dear, yet oh-so-far away friend.

Anonymous said...

Noooo! Not dentures! Keep your pearlies til the very end, if it's possible.
And perhaps Gerald Gee put up today's post with you in mind!

Mel said...

Darn adolescents.
They do know how to wait people out very well. And I do know all about 'reached maximum capacity of hearthurting material'. Sucks. *sigh* I feel for ya.
You can only do what you can do--they'll work through it in their own pace and we only get to offer help/guidance/support.
Oh, but if I could MAKE him deal square...I would. Maximum capacity is a horrid feeling.

There's still good--flapjacks are good, sunshine and fresh air is good. Fuzzy brain ain't ALL bad...and hopefully the end of the day was peaceful and hopefilled.

Keep the teeth--take holy water to the next dental appointment and make him PROVE he's not evil. :-/

JUST a suggestion! ;-)

Mel said...

And did I have a treat yet today?

Guess I need to make some arrangements. OR I need to change my attitude.
Both would probably serve me well, huh?

Anonymous said...

Oh I do so so feel for you!!!
Both on the teen and teeth fronts.
And I remember well the debilitating effects of anaesthetic.
Enjoy that flapjack and then go and get some more treats.
I suppose it's worth hanging on to the old ivories? I hope so!
(Like Mel's holy water idea.)

katherine. said...

I don't do the dentist

very well...or very often.

Christopher said...

Mmmm, flapjack. Was it crisp and crunchy or soft and melting?

(Notice I write 'was' because I imagine it is no more, it has been consumed, it has gone to meet its enzymes, its memorial a mere rolled oat behind the molar.)

("Rolled oat behind the molar" to be sung to the tune of Boiled Beef and Carrots)

Mel said...

Horatio pretended the pellets were flapjacks.

Just sayin'....

Happy Wednesday to you, ma'am!

english inukshuk said...

Mel sadly I've been laid up in bed with a nasty stomach bug (I'll spare you the details) but I feel a little better now, so hope the rest of the day is happy!

Christopher it was a soft and crumbly piece, which I like because the only recipe I have is my mother's - which makes for a brick like texture! I don't know if it's to blame for my intestinal illness, but if so it was alsmot worth it (not that tummy bugs can be blamed on oats, sugar and butter, I'm sure)

am not familiar with the tune "boiled beef and carrots" - is it available on youtube?


katherine. I used to hate the dentist, then I had a very good one for a while - but that was when X's budget covered the dental care, and now it seems I'm back with the masses who don't do dentists very well again


mig I might try rinsing my mouth out with the holy water. . .

. . .do you think that would help?

Mel well, see, I thought I was at max capacity, and then I had this stomach bug - which just goes to prove that. . .

. . .well, I don't know what it goes to prove actually!

dinah the trouble is they are not so pearly!! will check out the link - thanks

shot I'm glad it worked out for you in the end!
