so, you know when you get gunk in between your teeth only you don't know it until you floss? (well, not me - because I am a very good brusher, not so much that I destroy my gums, but a good brusher nonetheless) (if you'd had seven years of botched orthodontic treatment when you were a teenager, you'd be taking good care of the teeth you had left too) (you did? I understand and commiserate - but smile, people, smile, because that's the only thing you can do sometimes)
anyhoo - back to "floth"
it's the dust and general accumulated tiny bits of stuff that gathers in the places your hoover doesn't reach (well, in my case, not a hoover, but a Henry) and you only realise it's there (in the unreachable places) when you move all the furniture and the rug around to do a really thorough clean and - more importantly - it also function as the word that describes your (well, my) general laziness in hoovering practices
I thought you'd find that interesting, now here's my Henry
(every household should have one!)
and if you think he's cute, check this one out. . .
(and yes, I have a small flying carpet for a mousemat!)


Mel said...

Ah yes--floth. We have some of that. Probably oughta spend some time bonding with the vacuum cleaner this morning--won't however.

It's a brilliant day and promises to be one of the last before autumn sets in for the duration.
I think a 'get in the Jeep and go' moment is more appropriate.


I'll do near anything to get away from a vacuum cleaner. *laughing*

english inukshuk said...


getting in the Jeep and going sounds far more fun


(I wonder if blogger has a word for that?!)

Anonymous G said...



:) :) :)

english inukshuk said...




Spadoman said...

Henry is a handsome sort, isn't he? We have one, but I haven't used it in years. We also have mostly wooden floors with area rugs. There is some wall to wall carpeting in the bedrooms.
Now don't get the wrong idea. I do plenty around here to help out the whole enterprise, I just don't do the hoovering.


Zig said...

in need to vacuum but life is too short!

Anonymous said...

I could get to like a Henry but I could become seriously attached to a tiny Henry!
And if I used a mousemat, I'd certainly be looking for a flying carpet one!!!
Does the tiny Henry actually work? Only a little machine to clean the floth behind my computer would be fantastic.