DIY don'ts

  • don't paint yourself into a corner
  • don't use the wrong size brush
  • don't fall off the ladder
  • don't forget to use a floor cloth
  • don't underestimate the value of using masking tape
  • don't drop biscuit crumbs in the paint
  • don't run out of paint 95% thru the job
  • don't sneeze whilst hammering in a nail
  • don't let the cats jump at a fly when you've just glossed the windowsill
  • don't keep going when you're really fed up with it because you'll only make a big mess and then you'll have to go back later and clean it all up


    <---- is going to have a rest now


    Spadoman said...

    Too bad you didn't call "The Man" maintenance, home repair and handyman. He could do this chore for you for half the cost of a professional. (and the job would look better than if you paid twice as much)
    Here is my reference:

    Mel's Dream
    I have fixed her jeep, her drain and her dryer.

    Just getting some advertising in at your expense. Seriously, I did have a maintenance service before I retired from earning wages. I hear about my friends having to do fixit and repair chores and wished I was still in business.
    Best to you. Looks like you have all the bases covered with your list for painting. And I bet your work looks fabulous.


    Mel said...


    Bless his heart.
    And bless your brain for being smart enough to go have the rest before you went upsidedown nutzoid! OMGosh....I'da lost it at the crumbs in the paint.
    And the don't EVEN wanna know.....

    You poor thing.
    But is the colour snazzy?!

    I'll letcha know how the Jeep repair and the dryer turn out.

    The drain--I don't EVEN wanna talk about the stupid drain. *mumbling*
    Sulfuric acid....gotta get some....

    english inukshuk said...

    Mel Nancy's room is now two shades of pink and a dark blue. . . she's very very happy!

    and I've recovered sufficiently to pick up the brushes and start on the landing


    man I didn't make too many mistakes - it's all looking great

    should have done it ages ago - but, there you go, it's getting done now

    Mel said...

    Hmmmmm...trying to use my imagination on that one. It's like explaining the one navy wall in the bedroom of white. People kinda don't get it.

    I bet MT is pleased as punch!
    Oh...and landings are such fun spots to decorate! Course..maybe not after a whole bathroom and a bedroom....and the front outside of the house.
    Geeze, *I* need a rest after just thinking about it!

    Anonymous said...

    Oh I hope the sneeze didn't cause too much pain!
    I have carefully read your list and have attempted to commit it to memory so that if I ever do some painting I'll be able to avoid all these pitfalls.
    (Wow, two shades of pink! And dark blue! Fabulous)