introducing a stylish new fashion

the hospital gown
do you know how to make someone feel really ill? usher them into a cubicle and have them change out of their clothes into a hospital gown. . . and if they haven't succumbed to nausea at this stage, then make them sit in the x-ray department waiting room which is full of other people wearing only hospital gowns. . .
(I'll be done with the moaning soon enough - that's a promise!)


Anonymous said...

Oh but think how much worse it would be if they'd made you wait in a room full of people wearing proper clothes!
I hope it was a warm waiting room. And that they soon send you good results and give you things to make you better.

Rimshot said...

Was your bottom exposed? Are there photos? Was there a result of the whole ordeal?

I hope you're feeling better and that you'll be back to 100% soon!

((((View)))) (but not too tight so as not to hurt your owie)

Christopher said...

*thinks 'this isn't at all as I'd imagined her'*

Mel said...

Ewwww....I got nauseated just hearing about it yapoorthing....

Good news--it's done and you're home.

AND you can climb into comfy jammies, slip on the fuzzy slippers and be done with all that nonsense.

english inukshuk said...

Mel I spend far too much time in comfy jammies!! don't have fuzzt slippers, but do have lovely warm purple felt ones. . . they count, right!

Christopher a vivid imagination is a wonderful thing

shot no, sorry, no bottom shots - but dream away, my friend. . .

lovely hug, thanks!

Mig it's so annoygin that they don't show you the results straight away - I'll just have to be patient! X

Spadoman said...

Geeez Inikshuk, I'm sad that you're having problems. Wish I could do more, (Then if I was there, I could see the coveted bottom and all would be jealous),Then again, the fantasy is usually better than the reality, especially when you get to be an old guy like me.
All joking aside, I do hope you get things sorted out to the best possible very quickly.



Ronald I Bremer said...
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Ronald I Bremer said...

As a health carer and practice owner, their responsibility is to care for and serve their patients but to also need to care about and protect of full team. As health care practices were allowed to return to work at the height of the pandemic, they needed PPE, isolation gowns, mask and were running through our disposable ones.