finally!! snow in SWSomethingOrOther


yes! we have inches of the stuff! and when I went out, for that emergency panic grocery shop, it wasn't even slippery - just crunched under foot! and everything was so peaceful and quiet! and everything was so white and twinkly! and all the pedestrians were laughing and smiling at each other as we walked thru vaguely blizzardish conditions! and when I reached the supermarket everyone was just pushing and shoving and really grumpy! did I care? no!
'tis the season to be jolly
tra la la la la
la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Mel said...

You got snow!
The Mum got almost 4 inches of the white stuff and she called all excited!

YOU got snow!!!!


english inukshuk said...

we did. . . and, miracle of miracles, it's still here!

course, that's easy for me to say - the fridge is full and I've got moeny for the meter (not that we have a meter, but you know what I mean)

I'll be muttering if it screws up my xmas grocery delivery on Tuesday. . . but in the meantime, it's sooooooooooo pretty!

Anonymous said...

We got snow too!!! Not inches but definitely white. And we went to the pub, ostensibly to sing carols. We did that and more so I'm saying nothing else until I've recovered some equilibrium.
But I have to agree - it's soooo pretty : )
Oh my goodness - why does the word ver need to be phsoutsh?

english inukshuk said...

mig oh, carols in a pub sounds marvellous


(I think phsoutsh is rather wonderful!)

Anonymous said...

wonderful yes but it took me three tries to get it right! Something to to with the un-ostensible bit of going to the pub I expect : )