laughter lines? talk to the hand!

what do your hands say about you? a not too close inspection of mine would suggest that I've just done the washing-up, I chew my nails to the quick, don't attend to my cuticles and haven't visited a manicurist in a long long time; it might also hint that I have just discovered the joys of hand cream. . .

yes, I'm finally of the age when I apply creams at bedtime (only to my hands at the moment) (mainly cos I've discovered this wonderful cream that smells so good it helps me fall asleep) (doesn't stop the bad dreams, but then one can't have everything); however, perhaps at some time I'll get around to my face. . . perhaps. . . I'm a hot-water wash-with-a-flannel splash-with-cold kind of girl, very simple, none of this cleansing/toning/moisturising anti-ageing nonsense that seems to obsess so many women: will my basic routine fair me well? only time will tell
back to the hand. . . X used to have a party trick, when he'd tell people's fortunes from the lines on their hands (perhaps he still has! who knows? not me. . .); last year I gave The Teen a "phrenology head" for xmas (before he settled on Art at Uni, he was thinking about Philosophy and Psychology)(does that explain why I gave him a phrenology head? do I care!), this year I'm giving him a "chirology hand", in the hope that his father will teach him some tricks which will help him in those first awkward moments of conversation with the ladies. . . (don't laugh - everyone needs a little help, don't they?)
before I wrapped it up*, I took a little look to refresh my memory
  • my Head and Life lines join up which might suggest why I live in a world of mental confusion. . . or might not
  • my Heart line goes off in a direction which might suggest that the person who designed the hand hadn't done enough research (on the other hand, perhaps I have a wayward heart) (which would explain a lot!)
  • my Marriage line/s are indeed plural - two: one long and deep and one short and sharp (which would explain my relationship history, altho I only said 'I will' the once)
  • the Line of Apollo which indicates a fortunate life, is strong - and hey! I'm still here, can't get much better than that, eh
  • the Mount of Venus which reflects the presence or absence of qualities such as harmony, kindness, grace, charm, love and reflects our degree of physical and sexual health, sensuality and beauty, is firm and robust, as you'd expect, dear reader, from my good self (as long as one is referring to inner beauty)

(*and yes, I am that far ahead of Christmas!! wonders will never cease)

but, enough about me
what about you?

you don't have to tell me about your hands
I mean, it's all a little silly really!
noone believes this stuff, do they?
. . .because it's all a load of old cobblers. . .

whatever, have a great weekend, dear reader,
I hope you have warm mittens!


Mel said...

Well shoot.

I'm gonna haffta go research the hand jazz.....just for fun dontchaknow.
Well that and now I'm curious.

Help with conversation breakers with the ladies, eh? *snickering*
What a good mom!

I, on the other hand, offered a chastity belt and was hugely successful in intimidating every fella that ever came near the girl.
*laughing laughing*

Oh....and just for the record, even the current 'gonna be around for a long while partner' is a tad intimidated by yours truly.
LOL I confess--I like it that way.

Mel said...

Uh oh.....

Do you KNOW how much stuff is out there on chirology?!
Oy..... this could take a while.
Might interfere with getting the holiday cards addressed even!

Step away from the web browser....LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm more of a tea leaves seer, myself. Pass us yer cup, ducks, an' I'll tell yer fortune.
(Got all mockered-up in a scarf and dangly bracelets and told fortunes in a tent at a fair once.)

Mel said...

Mockered-up! word alert!

'Cept I'm not 'zackly sure what it means....


Anonymous said...

Yes, Mel,,,it means dressed-up. Or over-dressed.(As were my tea leaf fortunes. C'mon! It was for a charity.)

Christopher said...

Thanks for this. And for demonstrating that my life has been totally mis-spent, probably through never having advanced in palmistry beyond 'Round and round the garden goes the teddy bear' etc.

Mel said...

Right. Mockered-up. I'm saving that one in the ol' memory banks.

In the meantime I've got to locate a fingerprint kit or a good magnifying glass so I can see if I'm a loopy person or a---*snickering* Like I need a magnifying glass to know if I'm loopy....

Mel said...

Oh--and can I ask about the hand cream?
Does it change the wrinkles on the hand at all?

k...just askin'!

(sucks that you're still doing nightmares--just sayin'....)