The first month of the year, the beginning, was dedicated to Janus - one of the oldest gods of the Romans - and called January. His festival was celebrated in January 1st."Janus was the god of all beginnings and of passages such as doors, gates and bridges, often depicted with two faces, and was then called Janus Bifrons. There were several temples to Janus in Rome, the most famous was the one in the Forum Romanum, whose gates would be open in time of war, and only closed in times of peace.
"Janus was the patron of concrete and abstract beginnings of the world (such as the religion and the gods themselves), the human life, new historical ages, and economical enterprises. He was also the god of the home entrance ('ianua'), gates, bridges and covered and arcaded passages ('iani') named after him. He was frequently used to symbolize change and transitions such as the progression of past to future, of one condition to another, of one vision to another, the growing up of young people, and of one universe to another.
"He was also known as the figure representing time because he could see into the past with one face and into the future with the other. Hence, Janus was worshipped at the beginnings of the harvest and planting times, as well as marriages, deaths and other beginnings. He was representative of the middle ground between barbarity and civilization, rural country and urban cities, and youth and adulthood."
Wow he had a heavy duty responsibility.
Makes me glad I'm not a G-d.
(k....please note that is a 'at this moment' statement--LOL)
And I'm kinda liking the concept of locking in peace and opening doors in times of war.
Why--I'm not entirely sure.
Maybe I need to think about that.
Not too hard, mind you--there's Elmo songs to be sung and Dora the Explorer to watch (omg I had no clue she was so annoying.....)
Janus was the god of the beginnings of most passages. His brother Anus took care of the others.
Bet the saying 'two faced' follows this.
Wild guess.
HAPPY second day of the new year!!! :-)
I was on the road during New Years Eve and New Years Day, but thought of you. Some years I have actually watched the moment of the New Year in London on TV. I didn't this year, but as time doesn't ever stop and wait for us to catch up, things are just late.
Janus looks back and forward. I have learned there is nothing back there for me, and I don't know the future, so I do it all right now. And right now I want to tell you Thank you for being my friend and stopping off at my blog. I appreciate every word you write as I feel you are writing it to me. Thank you. You are so much more than a pile of rocks.
Peace, always
man oh, I'm right in the moment with you!
and thank you for your very lovely words, frienship works both ways dontcha know!!
Mel I'm not sure - because two faced has only very negative connotations, doesn't it. . . and this guy just seem to do the looking. . . who know!! what I do know is that it is for sure the second day of the new month, year, decade
and I hope you have a wonderful one!! (you have The Bug watching Dora the Explorer, I had Mini-Teen watching Rug Rats. . .)(. . .hmmmmm)
Vicus decent to indecent in one small sentence
I think Janus ought have to have the two masks of the drama on his faces, a tragedian's frown for looking back and a broad smile of comedy for looking forward to what Vicus would no doubt call an anus mirabilis.
Why do Aquarius and Pisces (Feb. - March: I only know because people tell me I'm an Aquarian) figure in your January woodcut? Is he looking that far ahead?
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