<----- chuffed

not this kind of chuff (spelt chough)
but sorta feeling pleased with myself for finally doing a chore or two. . . mind you, next spring when I try to open the French windows to the courtyard and find that they are stuck shut because I didn't sand down the doorstep properly it'll be a different story, won't it
ho hum
hope you are having a productive day!
or at least an enjoyable, relaxing one!


Spadoman said...

French windows, courtyard... you must be rich! Why are you just opening the windows when the weather is changing to the colder side of things? Haven't you opened them all summer? Just askin'
The productivity of my days has been a little slack. I really need to get started at some projects I have commited to. I have a bunch of things going on all at once at both my house, my daughters house and in the community. Some days, it is overwhelming.
I think I'll go check to see if there is anything I need to sand so I don't have troubles like your having.
(If I ever do get productive, I see a dream catcher in your future)


Mel said...

You know that spot on the hallway ceiling? You know, the spot that looks like it only got one coat of paint while the rest got two? Yeah that spot. The one's that been bugging me for a few YEARS now?

I looked at it again and got in the Jeep.


Oh, but I saw a snake!

Just sayin'......


Mel said...

I AM chuffed that you're chuffed.

That counts for something.


Zig said...

amazing! I think I'll change to plastic windows because I cannot face painting the damn things again!

Anonymous G said...

french windows to the courtyard. good place to gaze with a cuppa tea or coffee? :)

i'm having a productive weekend! now, i don't say that often enough, but i've got a project and a [self-created] deadline to meet.

so what am i doing HERE? checking in with friends while drinking coffee - gearing up for more!

Happy Day!

Anonymous G said...

What kinda snake, Mel??

We found a little baby king snake at school this week. He was an amazing little creature!


Anonymous said...

Ooh snakes and paint pots! Such fun. (wouldn't it be great to get them together?)
My window frames have a distressed, antique finish. Very fetching it is.

english inukshuk said...

you lovely lovely people you!

mig I too like the peeling, flaking, distressed, vintage, antique finish that frames acquire. . . however, with the recent rain and the general dampness I thought I ought to address the issue of the wood underneath the peeling paint (and the more recent sunshine ensured that the paint dried!)(altho I think the wood underneath is actually rotten)(ho hum)

G it's so great to hear from you again! sadly the courtyard doesn't get much sun. . . but when it does, I make the most of it!

Zig believe you me honey, if I had the money they'd be replaced already!

Mel I'm chuffed that you're chuffed that I'm chuffed!! (and this afternoon I painted the front wall as well!!)

I know that spot - it has cousins in my house. . . lots of them!!

but hey - snakes!!!! woo-hoo


man don't get me wrong, I can't complain - but it's not as grand as you might imagine

three storey, four bedroom terraced Victorian house - on a narrow street not too far from the river; you walk up the street and there's a little front wall (newly painted white!) with some planting and then a small front yard (not really a garden, but I put my bench from the old house there)

front door takes you straight into the main room (would have once been a hallway and two smaller rooms - but all knocked thru into one space); ahead in front of you are stairs to the upstairs; past the stairs is a small breakfast room and a galley kitchen which runs perpendicular at the back

there is a tiny weeny little outdoor space on the ground floor: one side is the neighbour's house wall, the kitchen window looks onto it, the breakfast room has a door and window onto it, what would have been the window from the rear room on the ground floor would have looked out into it but someone knocked that out and turned it into a pair of French doors (English for door that look like windows - don't know if you have them!); the other windows in the back of the house further up also look down into it

the courtyard is east facing, so once the sun has risen over the houses that I back onto it gets a little light, it's just big enough for you to have room to swing a cat in (not that O've tried, but sometimes I feel like it - they're annoying, those felines!)

it has some planters with bamboo, a small maple, two thin olive trees that the previous people left behind, also various herbs and pansies, some silvery oil lamps, lot of pin wheels (even tho it's kind of cut off, it gets breezy in there!)

it's bricked walled but all painted white, the ground is part decked and part paving stone and I string fairy lights criss cross across the top of the space (as high up as I could reach, and suspended across the tops of the bamboo and the olives) and turn them on so they twinkle in the evening!

there's a bench and I also have my swing seat - which everyone else knows about but I won't bother you with now - a nice place to sit and have a coffee, as G said


(you see a dream catcher for me, I see a scarf for you!)

Mel said...

Wow--now I have a really, really grand vision of the humble abode you call home.

And did you know garter snakes could swim?! :-)

They can and do!
He was way cute!!