preparation, preparation

it's all in the preparation (which reminds me, even the best laid plans etc etc)now, those of you in the know will recall that Mini-Teen is having A Halloween Party. . . I know, I know, I'm just a big softie really. . . the invite went out with the strict instruction that attendees had to Dress Up in Halloween Costume but that there were to be No Witches (my charming child wants to be the only witch); of course, being my child, she looks more like this:(substitute natural blond ringlets for the hair and stick the world's ugliest braces on the teeth, and that is Mini-Teen right down to the last detail) (did I tell you about the braces? no? well, that - my dear reader - is the reason behind the party: ANYTHING to distract her from the agony and the mouth ache) (and me from the moaning)
anyhoo, preparations are apace in iTowers and the cupcakes are baking as we converse. . . my only issue is that I do quality cupcakes - see above - as suitable for a witch who resembles a teenage Ms Hepburn - and yet when looking on teh net for inspiration I found little that inspired me. . . they are a *insert appropriate collective noun here* (any suggestions on the back of a postcard to the usual address) (prizes as I see fit) of 13/14-year old girls after all (and let's not forget that one solitary boy) (bless his cotton socks, or whatever he'll be wearing on the night) (*shudders*). . . (well, maybe that last bunch - but on the other hand, perhaps they are just too sensible!)however, when I came across the following, I knew I was on the right track (that'll be the track that I'm not currently distracted from). . .why? I hear you question yourself quietly. . . because when we were doing a little party shop, my dear sweet 13- going on 17-year old Mini-Witch-Audrey chose Hungry Caterpillar paper cups

*shakes head*


Christopher said...

I thought of 'caterpillary of cupcakes' then a 'concupiscence of cupcakes' but dismissed them both in favour of 'a sudden disappearance of cupcakes'.

They do look good. I'm sure Mel will agree with great enthusiasm.

english inukshuk said...

very good, Christopher, clear, concise and creative

I expected nothing less from you


mind you, the actual question referred to the collective noun for a group of 13/14 year old girls, dressed up and giggling in Halloween outfits. . .

. . .however, I'd rather think about the cup cakes at the moment

english inukshuk said...

(oh, and you're right - Ms Mel will be very happy to see the cupcakes, but perhaps she won't understand why the ones pictured as iced aren't inspiration enough. . . !!)

Anonymous said...

Well, if she does use a black cat frieze, I hope the magic of the moment doesn't cause the caterpillar-gobbling Geiger to come to life. She'd scoff the lot!

Mel said...

yeahyeahyeah....they're very cute.


If some is good--MORE is wayyyyyy better!

I do soooo love the little wormy guy. BUT!!!

B U T ! ! ! !


I'm in love with the marshmallow gravestones.

Excuse me.

<-- now going to locate scissors and oversized marshmallows!! :-D cool would they be in hot chocolate sludge for the Brit!


Christopher said...

Oh dear, always my downfall, not reading the question properly and jumping to inappropriate conclusions.

*locks self in loo*

Mel said...

*holds out plate*

Yes, please. :-/

You can come out of the loo now, Christopher. :-)

Mel said...

Oh.....and Horatio Hamster would like me to tell you the cat is a bit close for his liking.

Oh....and he'd like a punkin cupcake, please.

english inukshuk said...

but what about the giggle of girlz? if I give the hamster the cupcakes, there won't be any left for the guests. . .

. . .oh, ok, just one. . . and let's hope he doesn't get icing all over his wheel


(is Christopher out yet? I've just made some scones and there's clotted cream and strawberry jam in the fridge!)(scones for the boys, to make sure they don't eat the cupcakes!!)

Mel said...


*barricades the loo door*


G'head. Bring out the goodies!

Anonymous said...

No need to say anything, it's clear the cupcakes and the girls are all sorted (or eaten)(not the girls obviously)(or the one boy)