today I am contemplating

the warmth of a traditional Welsh blanket. . .for some reason I'm having one of those moments (you know those moments you have?) (or perhaps you don't have moments like I do!) when my mind wanders back to the same thing over and over. . . quite why it's Welsh blankets, I don't know
but the colours and patterns are worth a look, don't you think. . .
they were - and in some cases of restored mills, still are - hand-loomed on the hugest machines
and while I was wandering around the internet looking at everything to do with Welsh blankets, I found this!


Mel said... you knew I'd love the last photo especially lotsa--punkins and all!
The looms are amazing! And the a great piece of work.
Next time himself cracks a joke about the Welsch and their boots and sheep--I'll stick up for 'em on the blankies!

Mel said...


*rolling eyes*
I'll go to the corner now.
Though yaknow--HE should go to the corner for his comments!!
Just sayin'....

katherine. said...

I have no idea what distinguishes a welsh blanket from any other nationality of blanket...but they look beautiful.

Christopher said...

For a magical moment, before this post eclipsed it, your entire background (with its repeats) of book spines was revealed when I dropped into Inukshukia this morning: just for a second, too short to glimpse even the boldest of titles. Could we perhaps see it all one day?

Anonymous said...

Well Welsh blankets sound good to me. I'd like one to wrap round my feet when I'm watching tv, one to drape behind the computer desk to stop the draughts and at least one to put on top of the duvet when the double thickness no longer keeps out the cold.
And they're so pretty.
And I so like the wonderful weaving shots with the looms and woofts and werps and things :)
And a pumpkin too, just for fun :)