debate and discuss

love means never having to say you're sorry*
Mini-Teen had a book/film review project in English and chose what was probably my favourite when I was her age. . . she gave the best presentation (according to her teacher) and has now completed a rather wonderful scrap book, full of LOVE stamps and other interesting bits and pieces of information. . . the debate continues tho: does love mean never having to say you're sorry?(*personally, I think that's a load of bollocks - but there you go, I don't want to be influencing the thought processes)


Mel said...

Oh gosh.....there's a long ago read book.
And never watched movie--well, not completely anyway. Bits and pieces of it.

As for the debate--isn't that simple consideration between two human beings?

I'll try 'love means never having to say you're sorry!' next time I break some bitty thing cuz I just GOTTA touch--I'll get back to ya on how well it works!
That's IF I survive the experiment, dontchaknow. :-/

Interestingly enough the word 'twads'.

It's joined the debate! LOLOL

Anonymous G said...

i *loved* that movie when i was a mini-teen! AND the book!!

"love means never having to say you're sorry" is a corny line from a (THE) love story. nothing more. (my little opinion, this is.)

i, too, believe that it's a load of bollocks! (hahaa..i've never used that expression! i feel like such a brit!)


Christopher said...

Perhaps being in love and loving are two different things.

Perhaps when you're in love two hearts beat as one, two minds think as one and very little happens that has to be apologised for.

Perhaps loving, more of a one-way process, puts a canopy of true regret over saying sorry, and makes it easier (especially for men) at the same time.

Perhaps this is rubbish. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I'm in good company. Agree with everything everyone's said.
Anyway, what's so bad about saying sorry once in a while?

english inukshuk said...

mig (-: I think it's very important to say sorry

Christopher you sum it up perfectly

for me, anyhow

G "pillock" is another good one (as in, "I felt like a real pillock" when you've done something stupid and embarassing)(not that I think you'd ever do something like that)

Mel corny, yup, a consideration between two humans, yup, as for the word vers, I'll have to share my new collection with you!