first he gave me three injections(using the needle in the middle)(that's about a gallon of anaesthetic)then he did a bit of drilling I think the reason his assistant stuck a vacuum cleaner in my mouth was to remove the debris. . . but I seemed to have swallowed most of itthen he did some more drilling. . . . . .whilst the assistant blasted my mouth with cold waterthen he did the filling - but it didn't go in quite right. . .. . .so he had me chew on a ream of carbon paperafter which he sanded and polished away the lumps and bumps. . . . . .only then did he say to me

"you'll probably need a root canal on that tooth"


Christopher said...

Poor you. At least he didn't have to use dynamite...

...or did he?

english inukshuk said...

that was last time


Anonymous said...

Then why .....? Oh I'd better not ask.
I hope you have plentiful supplies of assorted painkillers and sleeping potions and comfort food. And that it all feels a lot better in the morning.

Mel said...


I was holding my face as I read.

What a helpful little dentist to text on a Sunday morning AND to break the news to you after he'd done gallons of anesthesia and tons of billable work.

Gosh....dontcha just love the new trends in how to do business with people!

english inukshuk said...

Mel don't get me started!!! I suppose I'm just lucky to have the teeth still

am I?

mig this morning my jaw just aches a little. . . but only a little!

and guess what!! when I've saved up the money, I can go back and have him start on the next one!!!

lucky me

Anonymous said...

Oh poor lucky you!
Oh I feel for you
