you are where you should be

recently I've been worried by thoughts of the future a kind of mid-term, five years down the line future. . . a rather scary immobilising worry but then, I realised, rather than worrying about it (worrying being my natural disposition, you understand) I'd be better off embracing the inevitablethe children will be gone, well on the way to their own futures, and I'll have no ties to hold me here - so, I've been thinking, in my wisdom, why be herehere I mean (as in here specifically, London SWSomething Or Other; not here, Planet Earth, in general)
so, "here": Planet Earth. . . its lands and oceans. . .
perhaps, I thought, that is what I should be doing! Planet Earthit's all been very entertaining (and far more enjoyable than worrying); now I just have to decide where to go. . .

where would you go?
if you could travel somewhere you'd really like to?


Anonymous said...

Me? To Arthur Rackhamland! ;-)
Seriously? New York, but not in high summer.I'd have fall in New England (The American NE, not the Australian NE)
After that? BAck to my goldmine to replenish my purse, then spring in southern Africa.
What a good thing I have that gold mine, eh!

Rimshot said...

I'd travel to London. :)

And, while it's always good to have a plan, all we have it today, so rather than fretting about tomorrow, let's just enjoy right now.

I, for one, enjoy your friendship.

english inukshuk said...

shot if you came to London I'd take you about and show you the sights and then whisk you off to all sorts of other interesting places

and I'd very much enjoy your company, as I enjoy your friendship


as for enjoying "right now", it's five in the morning and I've just waved Middle Teen off on a school trip - but can I get back to sleep?


dinah I love Rackham! what would you do in southern Africa in spring? (and where in New England?)(and I'm nodding regards avoiding NYC in high summer!)

Mel said...

Where WOULD I go?

Should I worry that I have no answer to that?
Oh sure--why not!

*shaking head*
I scare myself sometimes.....

english inukshuk said...

perhaps you're in just the right place already


Anonymous said...

I'd quite like to go and see the South American glaciers but it might be a bit chilly.
I'd love to return to The Amazonian Rainforest but only for a little while because it might be a bit hot.
I'd like to go to the Himalayas for a short while and travel very slowly up into the sky.
I'd like another glimpse of India in all it's colourful noisy glory.
I wouldn't mind a visit to Eastern Europe.
But failing all that, I could always go on a day trip to Bangor :)

english inukshuk said...

mig oooooooooh, lovely. . . that's food for thought, for sure



(you know what I'll be humming all day long now, don't you?!)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that :)

english inukshuk said...

oh it could be worse! I could be humming "I've got a brand new combine harvester, and I'll give you the key"



katherine. said...

I have no idea this moment

ask again next month when the dust settles