the housewife's apothecary

so, having spent rather too long in the dentist's chair this morning. . .. . .I am reminded of strange things my mother had in the medicine cabinet

oil of cloves being one of them
"clove oil owes its toothache-relieving properties
to a powerful compound called eugenol:
a natural analgesic and antibacterial;
it is an excellent dental pain-reliever,
not only because it provides immediate temporary relief from the pain,
but also because it is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory"
and tincture of myrhh being another
"use myrrh tincture, infusion, or the diluted essential oil
as a mouth wash or rinse - it is good for soothing and
helping to heal diseased gums and teeth disease,
and for promoting general dental health"
I don't even have a medicine cabinet, but I think I have some neurofen at the back of the cutlery draw. . .


Zig said...

tastes foul tho!

english inukshuk said...

yes it does!!!! (I can still taste the clove oil thing he stuck over my poor damanged tooth)

english inukshuk said...

whatever damanged means (damned, probably)

Spadoman said...

I'm sending a "kiss it and it will be all better", that always works!


Anonymous said...

I shant show The Man this post - he hates cloves! When I make apple pie I always use cloves. And guess who always gets a clove in his slice of pie!
I hope your toothache is cured?

Mel said...

Oh, you poor thing...... Nothing worse than dental pain--and I've known a pain or two.

Heating pad and ibuprofen.
Salt water rinses, maybe?

And lots of fluffy quilts.
Oh--and Mr. Stuffy Bear! He always helps!
Just sayin'.....

Vicus Scurra said...

I didn't know that about myrrh. This explains the complete absence of mentions of root canals in the New Testament.

english inukshuk said...

Vicus it turns out that there are all sorts of types of myrhh - depending on the gum/resin ration

however, I think you might object to it, as it's produced by wounding the tree purposefully and "bleeding" it

myrrh is also used for embalming - which explains why my mouth feels as it does right now

Mel I located the nurofen and then went to bed early with a good book

dinah re the tooth: it's all too horrid to go into details here (so you're spared!)

re cloves: I used to really dislike finding them in my mother's apple pies. . . however I love using them whole when mulling Pimms Winter Cup and also ground in my xmas gingerbread biscuits

man I gingerly offer the cheek on the hurty side - thank you

Anonymous said...

Oh I have so much sympathy! The horribleness of teeth and the well meaning cruelty of dentists!
I hope whatever he's done has fixed things and the pain goes away soon
Oil of cloves is remarkably effective tho, in spite of its taste.