I is ill

it's either viral pleurisy (for which one drinks lots of fluids, swallows masses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, rests up and stays off the fags) (and - just to be safe - rules out all sorts of other things like pulmonary embolism and pneumonia, so I have to go for a chest x-ray and some kind of scan or other)
or gallstones (unlikey, since I have none of the other symptoms; but the doctor recommended following a low-fat diet anyhow. . . which I already do, if you don't count the fact I drink ordinary milk)
or something else (for which a trip to the phlebotomist is required - more needles!! thanks to the wonders of the NHS, my veins can be tapped straight after I've had the x-ray) when I was describing the pain to the doctor she uttered those chiling words "you might have strained your intercostal muscles" at which point I burst into tears and said that that was exactly what they told my mother every month for six months and then they finally took her pain seriously and diagnosed multiple myeloma, which had caused all her ribs to fracture. . . strained intercostal muscles don't result in being unable to sleep, yawn, laugh, cough or generally breathe due to stabbing lung pain as far as I know; it wasn't the washing-up at the weekend either, because the pain didn't start until yesterday. . .
. . .on the other hand, wouldn't it be funny if it actually was strained intercostal muscles due to too much washing-up. . .
. . .hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Spadoman said...

My dear friend, I am so sorry you are feeling ill. My deepest thoughts and pryares are with you. I send positve energy your way. Get well soon. I feel bad that you feel bad and hope you recover quickly.

Peace, lve and hiugs


Vicus Scurra said...

Please get better soon. love and peace

Anonymous said...

And from me too. Love, hugs, wishes the lot. And don't do any washing up - just in case it's that.

Mel said...

Oh crud.

Well there's a head spinning, heart dropping moment if ever I heard one.....and I've heard a few.

Buy time. Buy time. Buy time.
And know that lots of people are praying for you and sending postive, healing thoughts.

First then dentist and now all this gunk.... *shaking head*

It's good that they're checking into all the possibilities. And I'm sure it wasn't 'fun' to get messy on the phone, but it's good you just put it out there instead of just sitting on it and not giving them the information they need to be thorough. Just sayin'.....

Now--Excuse me while I RAWR and talk to the Big Guy.

After huge hugs, of course.

(((((((((((( ILTV )))))))))))))

And know people are caring about you and praying for you.