1. having recently discovered/been made aware that I may experience/be suffering from sustained bruxism (it seems that I am a daytime jaw clencher rather than a nighttime teeth grinder) I am now at a bit of a loss for what to do about it

2. one of the cats has been acting very strangely Mini-Teen wants me to take him to the vets to see if there's something wrong but as I don't believe in spending shed loads of money I don't have on a feline pet I haven't yet followed this course of action and now am at a bit of a loss for that to do about it

3. my big brother sent me a very generous Amazon voucher for xmas last year and I invested some of it in the purchase of a new sewing machine, since the one I had - which was my mother's - had finally broken beyond all hope of repair; I have a pile of projects that I'm really keen to start and lots of ideas for other projects, but I can't seem to be able to even take the new machine out of the box; I'm totally bemused about this situation and have no clue why I have a bit of a block about it and at more of a loss about this than the other things that are bothering me

4. for some strange reason I have been starting to wonder about what I shall do in five years' time when all the children have flown the nest (and presuming none of them has flown back again); I haven't a clue, which is a worse situation than being at a bit of a loss about what to do
5. oh! it seems as if there were only four after all (well, only four that I'm going to bother you with, dear reader)